Eli was extremely weak over the weekend and was at CHLA Monday morning and the answers were very clear as his blood and platelets were both extremely low. He received both blood and transfusions and most of the day was spent in the transfusion center. Tuesday BH Eli already felt a lot stronger and insisted he goes to Go Kart World which somehow in the last month he grew about an inch and is now tall enough to do all of the cars alone. He had a blast and it was a treat to see him so happy enjoying himself.
Today 8/13 we got a call from CHLA who was called by MSKCC that they forgot to let them know on Monday that they needed to check his labs right after receiving his transfusions so that all his counts can show they are ok per protocol. Not surprising when we went back today they weren’t good enough so they need to redo just the platelets so that it can all be good for the protocol levels.
We hope and daven to finally have the MIBG treatment starting Sunday night 8/17 at MSKCC where the plan is to be in patient from Sunday night until the radiation levels go low enough to be safe to allow Eli to leave and return to LA.
Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.
BABY and BRIS info——————–
BH Bassy and the baby came home Sunday morning from the hospital and are doing very well bli ayin hora.
Just an FYI the Bris and seudah IYH will be Friday morning 8/15/14 at our home 8:30AM Sharp. Please note there WILL NOT be a minyan Shachris at this location. May we all be zoche to share in each others simchas and besuros tovos.