Friday morning I finally got the call I have been waiting over a month for which was the OK from the DRs in NY that Eli is clear for MIBG therapy starting with IYH Sunday night check in to MSKCC. The plan is the same as the first round which is that Eli will be on hydration all of Sunday night and then Monday morning they will insert a catheter followed by the MIBG therapy sometime on Monday. As soon as the radiation levels subside they will beezrat hashem let us leave NY back to LA.
Eli had a very nice Shabos with a lot of our family that flew in special for the simcha. He was in a very good mood and felt pretty good also.
The bris for our son was Friday morning in our home with a lot of friends and family. The babies name is Yakov after both my fathers father and my father in laws father. No sooner then the bris was over did the phone call come from NY with the approval and we hope that all the brochos that come with a new born son are all mekuyom.
Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos especially with a pretty rough planned week or so ahead of us. A GUT VOCH