
Last night didn’t end with the update I posted. After finally getting to the room and falling asleep both me and Eli were woken up a few minutes later by the nurse telling us that the platelet count came back not high enough and that he now also needed blood. So for the next 3+ hours every 20 minutes they came in to take Elis blood pressure and temperature. It was just a long miserable night.

BH they let us sleep late and instead of taking Eli to the OR at 9AM we went closer to 12. They also brought something that resembles a bed which made it a lot easier to be able to rest and sleep today. Once the procedure was done and Eli rested for a little bit he was in a much better mood which bli ayin hora lasted all day.

Just before going into the OR Eli had special surprise visitors Rabbi Jacobs and his wife who were in NY and came special to NYC to visit Eli. This afternoon we also had special visitors that we really enjoyed.

The waiting game has begun and now they will check daily to see the radiation levels as to when Eli is safe and legal to leave the hospital and head back home.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos.