
There wasn’t much to update this week as Eli was doing very well with each passing day spending longer in school. This morning Eli went to school as he did most days this week but shortly after getting there called Bassy that he wasn’t feeling well. He was immediately picked up and brought home. Once he was home things went downhill pretty quickly. He spiked a high fever and was shaking uncontrollably to the point that he needed to be rushed by ambulance to CHLA.

He was taken to the ER where his fever was above 103 so they as always immediately take blood cultures to try to find the source. In the meantime the have started a few different antibiotics as a precaution if CV there is an infection. IYH the cultures will come back negative but it takes a full 48 hours to get the final results and generally speaking they will admit Eli for minimum that long. So it looks like we will be spending Shabos in CHLA.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A GUT SHABOS