
Eli had a long day at CHLA starting at 10AM with a GI for TPN appt where the scale showed the extreme loss of weight in the last 2 weeks. After that it was onto the infusion center where shockingly all looked decent until the rest of the lab work came back. Eli didn’t need blood BH which is the longest transfusion but he did need platelets and a potassium transfusion. ‎ By the time it was all said done we left at 5PM. 

After getting home Eli decided he wanted to get out a lot tonight which is a good thing which shows his mood and strength are coming back. We went for local walks and then to the mall to walk around and then late in the evening to get Ice Cream and eat pizza and BH Eli was in a much better mood. 

IYH this evening we will restart Eli on TPN to help gain some much needed weight back. Eli will need to have all his labs checked daily until they find the right regiment of TPN that works best. 

Thank you to the large amount of people from literally around the world that called to offer blood for Eli. Unfortunately blood for Eli must be donated at CHLA so only people local can help. I also left out his type of blood which is A+ but anyone with A-, O+, O- can donate. Please coordinate with Bikur Cholim and not just show up. Tizku lmitzvos

Please as always continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. ‎