We spent Shabos in ICU at CHLA and for hardly a minute thanks to a lot of amazing people we were barely ever alone for a minute. Many people took the long trek and it was very much appreciated. Friday night Eli’s blood pressure dropped even further and they had to add a second BP IV to stabilize it. The good news started early afternoon when they started weaning Eli off of it and by the time Shabos was over Eli was completely off both BP IVs. The fever which also spiked very high overnight hasn’t come back and beezrat hashem will stay that way.
As expected based on the high fever and low blood pressure the cultures came back positive for infection so they know what type it is and have stopped 3 of the 4 antibiotics Eli was on. We hope to be moved from the ICU to a regular room IYH Sunday which is a lot better as we can get Eli walking around hopefully and also for some fresh air which he loves. We will most probably have to be inpatient for a little while until Eli’s blood counts start to go up as he remains neutropenic due to the chemo he got just over a week ago.
Please as always continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in your tefilos.
Forgot one thing Eli had the cutest girl who is here on scheduled treatment Menucha Rochel Bas Gila Elka (4 years old) come with the biggest smile and her mother from the 4th floor down to the 3rd floor special to visit Eli was really special and nice. Please always have her to in all your tefilos. A GUT VOCH
May we continue to hear more besoros Tovos. As always, we’ll continue to daven for Elimelech bas Basya.
Gmar chatima to all.
Sylvia Danzer
Just a thought as I read the post that made me smile. Hashem should give both Eli and Menucha Rochel a complete Refuah and just maybe there could be a Shidduch here? They both seen awfully cute.