Eli was in CHLA on Thursday for lab draws and a DR appt which both went BH ok. His platelets aren’t exactly where they would want it but not terrible at all either. On Monday IYH Eli will be back for another round of chemo which he was cleared for by the DR. They will first do another lab draw and if his platelets aren’t exactly where they want them then he will first get a transfusions followed by chemo.
A side effect which didn’t happen for the first few rounds of this chemo has been once again extreme diahrea which they warned us and during each round Eli was on antibiotics to help it but now it seems to be out of control. As of today he started a high dose of stronger antibiotics to hopefully slow down the diahrea to a normal level.
Other then that Eli is happy and in a good mood lately even making it one night to a basketball game which he really enjoyed. He has been an almost regular for lunch at Shilos which he loves to and thanks to the “uncles” who brought him each time.
Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma bsoch shaar choley yisroel. A GUT SHABOS