BH we had a most relaxing and enjoyable shabos with Eli’s blood counts very good he was very excited and in a good mood so he went Friday night to Shul, ate a very nice seudah and went to bed. He woke up and again wanted very much to go to Shul so of course we allowed and wanted him to be able to get out as long as his blood counts allow him to. We then went to a friends house for shabos lunch and Eli was very on his game making everyone laugh and have a good time.
We are doing all we can to keep him in a good mood and high spirits as long as he is up to it and in the mood (of course with the doctors blessings) to go and take him to places and do things he enjoys. Beezrat Hashem he will be up to seeing his class as a whole on Sunday and enjoy some outdoor recess with them.
All of this is being done before he begins round 2 of chemo on Monday which of course will put a dent in his mood but hopefully nothing to significant as we are all happy to see Eli taking his situation bli ayin hora so far extremely well and hope that continues all the way to his final treatment on the road to a full recovery for Elimelech Ben Basya Bsoch shaar choley Yisroel.