
YT was really very nice and mostly relaxed and BH there were no complications, Dr appointments, or hospital visits either. Eli felt bli ayin hora very good and kept all of us entertained. Being in shul with his uncles, cousins and Zaidy made him so happy. The plan was originally to check into CHLA 10 days ago for chemo but because Elis platelet count didn’t meet criteria (which we are not complaining about as we were all able to enjoy being home for YT) they kept trying every few days.

The good news is that it climbed after each and every blood test but just not to the levels needed. Finally today he is nearly there so we as of now are scheduled to do the next round of chemo beginning on Monday IYH. It is once again extremely high dose chemo and will be given daily for 5 days. It is meant to bring all of Elis immune system and blood counts to very low levels and then the plan is to inject some of his own stem cells that they still have back in him to jump start the blood counts rise. It is once again very likely to cause fever but hopefully the DRs will be wrong and it won’t.
Over YT Eli received many gifts, letters, brochos and the list is endless of food and visits that came and we owe everyone that did their own thing on Elimelech Ben Basyas behalf a very big thank you and we hope to only share in each others simchas and Besuros Tovos. A GUT SHABOS

One thought on “4/24/14

  1. Yid In los angeles

    Happy to hear good news, Hashem is watching over you, do not give up.

    Shabbat Shalom

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