
Friday night in CHLA we had a very nice and relaxed Seuda with “Uncle” Yoely at which we shmoozed, ate and sang and laughed all together. At 11:30AM today Eli was finally discharged after a long week in CHLA. He was very happy to finally be home and back in his bed and not be bothered every few minutes by the nurses and DRs. As always the last day or 2 of chemo and the few days after that are pretty rough in terms of how he feels and the nausea that comes with it and today was no exception. We did manage to get out finally late Shabos afternoon for a long walk so that Eli can have much needed fresh air.

The plan is to slowly help Eli regain his strength and his blood counts which are at very low levels due to the very high dose chemo he got this week. The DR hopes that on Monday they will infuse some of Elis stem cells and that will give the blood counts a much needed boost. Other then that we hope that there will be no other side effects and that every day IYH will see improvement.

Elimelech Ben Basya is extremely weak right now and can really use some extra tefilos and we hope that’s what this week and this chodesh bring. A GUT VOCH