Friday night was a very eventful one and not the way we hoped for it to be. At 2AM Eli woke up and felt very hot and not surprisingly given his very low blood counts he has 102.5 fever. So off to CHLA to the ER a few minutes later. As the night progressed in the ER Eli’s heart rate began rising very high and his blood pressure went dangerously low. The DR decided Eli needed to be in ICU but they had no beds available there so the ICU team came to the ER and treated Eli there. He received for the low BP dopemein and 4 different antibiotics for the fever and what they felt wad a bad infection. They also gave Eli more blood and platelets and thanks once again and always to Bikur Cholim for always having direct donor blood/platelets available for Eli.
BH as the day would go they eventually after a few tense hours finally stabilized the heart rate and BP. Once they observed that without the BP meds Eli was able to hold his own they moved us from a tiny cramped ER room to a regular room on the oncology floor at 6PM. We had a few special visitors who took the extremely long walk to come and visit us late Shabos afternoon and that always is appreciated.
Eli will remain in CHLA for a few days until his blood counts rise out of the low neutropenic levels that they are at now. The good news which beezrat Hashem will stay that way is that the cultures for infection have all been negative so far. IYH this will not effect the planned trip to NY on Sunday 5/18 for further treatment.
Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley Yisroel n all your tefilos that this should just be another small bump in the road along the way to reaching the ultimate refua shelayma goal BKAROV. A GUT VOCH