
This morning Eli was in CHLA to check on his blood and platelet counts and BH they were good and he did not require any transfusions.

On 6/2 IYH Eli will begin taking medication in preparation for the MIBG treatment to help with possible side effects. Depending on his blood counts the schedule is to be back in NY on 6/9 and we will be there for a solid week of which 3-5 days is scheduled to be inpatient at MSKCC.

Beezrat hashem we will be going away for Shabos and look for forward to a long relaxed weekend. We all can use a change of scenery ahead of challenging next few months.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos. A GUT SHABOS

One thought on “5/22/14

  1. shayna Y

    I live close to NY and if there is anything I or a friend can do to help please don’t hesitate to ask. In the meantime, I am davening for Elimelech. I hope that the next few months go smoothly, and SUCCESFULLY with no negative side effects.

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