8/8/14 MAZAL TOV

MAZAL TOV. BH this morning we were Zoche to a healthy baby boy. IYH there will be a shalom Zachor tonight at our home. We should all only continue to share in each other simchas and Besuros tovos

3 thoughts on “8/8/14 MAZAL TOV

  1. Chavi

    Mazel tov to the entire family. May this new baby bring renewed Mazel and simcha to the family and may he bring a special Bracha of a full recovery to Elimelech.
    Best wishes,

  2. Sylvia Danzer

    Mazel Tov on your newest baby boy. May you have only much simcha and bracha from him.

  3. Marcia Fine

    Mazel tov. Mazel tov. So happy for you. Only simchah and brachah for the whole family.
    Stuart and Marcia Fine

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