While we don’t have the scan results yet and we wait and pray that we get good news I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who we know about and the many we don’t know about. There has been and endless amount of people and a endless list of favors, tefilos etc etc that have been done and continue to be done on behalf of our Elimelech Ben Basya.
To the many people that have called, emailed, texted sent letters, and all the readers that follow Elis situation wishing us KVT we take this opportunity to wish you and your family “kol mishalos leebecha ltova” and that you should all have a year of only happiness, health, parnassa, and nachas. And like one of my friends writes me every Friday “Keep Smiling” so should be true to everyone. Being upbeat and smiling is the only way to live with today’s nisyonos as kvetching and being sad just makes everyone else around you feel the same and it definitely won’t fix any problems.
Kesiva Vachasima Tova
Malkiel, Bassy, Sori, Eli, Ari and Yaakov
We hope to get results and post them before RH
Dear Malkiel, Basi, and the mishpacha,
We are thinking of you and davening for Eli’s complete Refuah! KVT and may this year bring only good news.
Yaakov Y. And Zipa Leah and family