
Today was a very rough day for Eli and rough on us to watch. Even with the many different pain IVs that they were giving Eli the pain persisted. He is on a full time morphine drip and they also allow him to push a button every 10 minutes which gives even more morphine.

This morning they took Eli down and had many different x-rays taken and those all came back negative for any fractures in his leg or anything else that an X-rays can show. They planned an MRI but there was no slot available for one. After conferring with the DRs they have decided not to do a MRI and instead will do a CT sometime on Wed. They took a urine test which takes about 24 hours for results. They have also ordered another MIBG scan which won’t take place until Friday with the injection on Thursday.

The DRs are trying to eliminate all possibilities as to what can be causing such severe pain. And that’s what these scans will hopefully help and show us if CV there is an issue or if its hopefully just a passing thing.

BAH late this evening they have begun to lower the rate of the morphine and so far Eli is tolerating it. The goal is to get rid of this pain or be able to manage it with pills as opposed to a morphine drip so that Eli can go home. BH he has had no fever or BP issues and beezrat hashem that will continue.