
BH we had a beautiful Purim with Eli helping deliver Shaloch Manos to a few local neighbors. Eli also had a lot of his classmates come special to deliver him a Shaloch Manos which was very special and appreciated. Although Eli is very weak he is BAH much more upbeat and eating a tremendous amount and somewhat back to himself. 

After the seudah which Eli wasn’t up to attending and was sleeping for he woke up to attend the Purim Chagiga on the street in front of Rechnitz house. It was extremely nice what they did for Eli taking him on Shlomo Yehuda chair and singing special nigunim for Eli followed by the crowd cheering ELI ELI ELI very moving and very special and it really brought a special smile to Eli. 

Today we are back at CHLA for both blood and platelet transfusions which IYH will help continue bringing Eli strength to continue fighting. As always it’s taking forever to do nothing but that’s how it goes and it is what it is. 

As always please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos. A GUT SHABOS