Today started at 1AM when Eli woke up with a high fever. We immediately packed a few small things and headed to CHLA ER where he was admitted and will be in patient for the next while. As I mentioned earlier that if this were to happen they would keep up until Elis blood counts which right now are very low get to a level that is considered to be not neutropenic, the DRs are guessing at best 10 days. He required a platelet transfusion and already 2 blood transfusion today just to keep his blood levels stable.
The planned stem cell transplant didn’t happen because of all this going on and IYH will happen on Thursday instead and beezrat hashem that will kick start the blood levels to head back up where they need it to be. Anyone that can donate blood on behalf of Eli should please coordinate with Bikur Cholim by calling 323-852-1900.
Today I was very tocuhed by the thoughtfulness of a child in Elis class that has done so much for Eli. On many different occasions he has come over to play with Eli and has always had the extra patience Eli needed. On Purim aside from bringing shalach manos he brought a huge poster he drew up for Eli. Today he brought a beautiful Chumash Shmos (which is the parsha Elis class just started) engraved with “Elimelech” on the cover. To see a 8 year old care so much tocuhed us. Yakov Levin you should continue to give your family only nachas.
I am calling on anyone that can to do something on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya as a zchus that he so desperately needs these days to do so. Specifically to give tzedaka or do a chesed having in mind and specially doing something extra for Eli. R’ Shlomo Yehuda gave $1.2 MILLION dollars of extra monies bzchus Eli. An anonymous person gave 25K bzchus Eli to a local mosad today. Obviously everyone isn’t financially able to write such amounts but what you can and to who you can as an extra would mean a lot and IYH be a zchus for Elimelech Ben Basya. Even a chesed be it at your home, your office, your shul or as a public thing is a tremendous zchus. Tizku lmitzvos