Author Archives: gradonadmin


We enjoyed relaxing at home most of the day. We got out a few times to go for ice cream and to visit bubby and zaidy. Finally at about 8:30PM it was time to head back to CHLA for round 4 of 7 of immunotherapy. After going thru the check in process and settling down in our room. Tonight they will give Eli a much needed blood transfusion and some hydration before the immunotheray IV begins at about 10AM on Monday and will go for about 10 hours on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday.

It is very possible that this round can be very painful and we are davening that the DRs prediction will be wrong and that the week will fly by with no complications.

Please daven that Elimelech Ben Basya should have zero pain or side effects from this treatment or any of his treatments.


Overall Eli was in a great mood and enjoyed Shabos very much. However he didn’t look good and didn’t have the strength he’s had lately either. He definitely needs a blood transfusion to bring back his coloring from the extreme pale look he has right now. The DR on call at CHLA said it can wait as long as he continues to eat and drink. So beezrat hashem he will continue doing just that so we don’t have to go earlier then what is planned which is about 9PM Sunday night.

Because he has low blood counts right now we will not be sending him to school on Sunday and we will hopefully enjoy a mostly quiet Sunday. We don’t CV want to risk any illness from anyone in the school.

Please as always continue davening for Elimelech Ben Basya that he should have a good day, week, month and IYH many more years of gezunt. A GUT VOCH. A GUT CHODESH


We had a great week and we are looking forward to a nice relaxing Shabos before we get a reality check on Sunday night when we check back in for the week to CHLA.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos. A GUT SHABOS


Eli spent another full day in school and bli ayin hora is doing very well. He is “student of the week” this week and has been keeping up and following with most of what the class is doing.

Later in the day today Eli was visited by a family friend who himself is a former patient of CHLA who had Shilos proclaim a new name for one their famous steaks specially for Eli and named it for when Eli is there “the Eli Gradon steak” along with a bunch of free steaks. It really brightened Elis day and ours seeing a past patient whose now married BH. Thanks so much

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.


BH all is good and Eli is continuing on the right path. He pushed himself today to get back on his bike which is something he hasn’t done since being diagnosed and got right back into it and felt very good about himself.

On a side note “TEAM ELI” for Chai Lifeline marathon has been growing and now has 16 people running to help support this great cause. Anyone who can should please help sponsor any of the runners any amount to help them reach their pledge of $3600. The link can be found on and you click on the Chai Lifeline banner. Tizku lmitzvos.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos as we approach our next round of treatment scheduled for Sunday.


All that we have been noticing about Eli doing a lot better the last few weeks was BH confirmed when he went today to see the DR. Eli gained a very nice amount of weight and the DR noted how he was able to tell just from looking at him.

We got the schedule for the next month and its going to be a pretty full schedule starting with Sunday night checking in for immunotherapy until IYH Friday morning. Which will then be followed by a full set of scans the following week or so. And then its back to CHLA for round 5 and 6 which are consecutive weeks of Sunday night to Friday morning.

We look forward to continuing to share only besuros tovos for Elimelech Ben Basya and with the help of everyone tefilos we will get the ultimate goal of a refua shelayma.


Bli ayin hora the daily improvements keep coming as Eli is feeling and looking stronger each day. On Tuesday he has a scheduled DR appt to make sure he is set and ready to begin round 4 on Sunday night.

Please continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos.


The good days keep coming and beezrat hashem they will stay that way. Eli will IYH be in school this week before he needs to check back into CHLA in a week from today for round 4 of 7 of immunotherapy.

Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma.


We had a very nice Shabos and we look forward to the same for the coming week. Other then a scheduled DR appt on Tuesday we hope Eli will continue gaining strength and being in school all week.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos. A GUT VOCH