Author Archives: gradonadmin


Eli got to school on time and BH lasted for the full day. We hope for the limited amount of time that he will be able to go to school to go as often as possible and so far he’s very happy and getting adjusted.

Please continue as always to have Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in mind in your tefilos etc. A GUT SHABOS


Another day and BH more strength. Eli went to school and although he didn’t last as long as we would of liked he was there for most of the morning before deciding he needed a break. Hopefully for Friday he will be up to staying for the full short day until 1:30.

We hope to continue to share good news for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim as we help them continue on the road to a refua shelayma.


First day back at school after missing most of last year went BH very well. Eli was very excited to go and received a very warm welcome from all of his friends and classmates. Rabbi Weiner 3rd grade is Elis rebbi and Mrs Levin is his english teacher. Eli lasted until about 2:45 when he decided he needed to go back home. On Thursday IYH he will be back as between yomim tovim and being inpatient there are very few days of class that Eli will be at over the next few months and so far BH better then we could of hoped for and beezrat hashem that will only continue and hopefully Eli will push himself to last if not the whole day most of it.

There isn’t much on the schedule as far as DR appointments until he is scheduled to be inpatient on Sunday 9/8 at night.

Please continue to daven that all should continue and go well for Elimelech Ben Basya and the many other cholim that are in need of our tefilos etc.


Eli had a busy morning with 2 appointments at CHLA first for a EKG and then with his primary DR to discuss the next few months. The immunotherapy consists of 7 inpatient weeks from a Sunday night to a Friday morning some are on consecutive weeks and some are every few weeks. This process will IYH begin Sep 8th at night and end Erev YK Friday morning.

IYH on Wed will be the first day back at school for all the kids INCLUDING ELI and while we know he will be missing plenty of days for appointments and treatments but by the fact alone that he has the green light from the DRs to go is a big deal and beezrat hashem he will be fine as he slowly gets back to himself. For those that haven’t seen Eli lately bli ayin hora he definitely has more strength and from the scale today he also gained some weight and while it was a small amount BH he is gaining and not losing. He also has started to grow back his hair and while its still very short its finally coming back.

Please continue to daven that things should continue to go in the right direction for Elimelech Ben Basya and that he should have the strength to last in school for as many hours as he physically can handle.

Separately please have in mind Chaya Mushka bas Hadassa Shaina a local beautiful girl who is beezrat hashem finished all her treatments and do something extra in her zchus that the next few days should only yield good positive results on some very important scans and tests she will be having.


Bli ayin hora things seem to be slowly falling into place. Eli is feeling and looks slowly but surely stronger and feels better about himself at the same time. He has been getting around the house alone and eating quite a bit more then he has of late.

On Tuesday we will find out from the blood tests how his body is adjusting to the TPN or if they need to make some changed. They also will weigh him and hopefully the numbers will show weight gained.

As always please be mispalel for Elimelech Ben Basya and all local and worldwide cholim who so desperately need and deserve a refua shelayma BKAROV


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELI we enjoyed a weekend in Palm Springs where for the first time since Elis diagnosis we figured out a way to allow him to swim. We covered his line area in shrink wrap and while it didn’t completely keep out the water it definitely kept most of it out and he finally felt what he’s been wanting to do all summer which we weren’t going to hold back on. He really enjoyed every minute he was in the water and even had enough strength bli ayin hora to swim alone and go down the water slide they had.
Thanks so much to the few special people that made Elis day super special for him with balloons, gift cards and presents that he really enjoyed and will put to IYH go use.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in mind.


BH we had a most enjoyable shabos and look forward to beezrat hashem continuing with only good news. About 3 weeks ago was Elis hebrew birthday and on Sunday 8/25 is his english birthday one that IYH will repeat itself for another 112 years of good health, mazal, nachas and bracha.

This week Eli has a scheduled DR appt and a small test both on Tuesday and we are hoping to get an idea of the schedule from the DR at that point for the next few months.

Please continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel. A GUT VOCH


Eli had a very good day starting off with Rabbi Jacobs learning with him and getting out quite a few times today for fresh air and going to a few stores. After last weeks soda sale Eli decided to use his profits and buy a cotton candy machine (I guess our house is becoming a game room / canteen). He was extremely excited and happy as he waited for it for a few weeks. Other then that bli ayin hora it seems that Eli is slowly gaining some strength and hopefully weight.

We look forward to continuing to have only good news for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim and as always please keep them in mind in all your tefilos.


We got home early this morning and Eli seems to be doing very well. He got out a few times today and was able to mostly hold his own. Unfortunately his diarrhea hasn’t let up but being that he is on TPN the doctors are not that concerned. There isn’t much on the schedule until next Tuesday which is when he has his next scheduled appointment.

On a separate note There have been 3 organizations since our son Eli has been diagnosed with cancer that have been extremely helpful each in their own way. Chai Lifeline, Bikur Cholim and Chabad of Los Feliz (Rabbi Korf).

I have mentioned many times before the chizuk that Rabbi Korf brings myself and Eli many times during the week and especially when in CHLA over a Shabos. Rabbi Korf has made it his business to visit us EVERY SINGLE Shabos we have been in CHLA. He also visits every yid in the 3 area hospitals CHLA, Kaiser and Presbyterian every Shabos. His home is open to us for anything we need and it is right down the block from CHLA.

His Chabad house Chabad of Los Feliz is having their annual dinner on Thursday 8/22/13 in Neeman Hall honoring one of the main oncologists of CHLA DR Finaly who has been extremely helpful to Eli and he davens at Rabbi Korfs shul when he is on call over Shabos. I feel a tremendous amount of hakaras hatov to Rabbi Korf and Chabad of Los Feliz and their volunteers who have over the last 9 months constantly been there for us and have showered Eli with presents and visits. Anyone who can attend should and if you can’t attend and are able to donate you can go online and do so at tizku lmitzvos

As always please keep in mind Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in your tefilos as we do whatever we can to help them be zoche to refua shelayma.