Sorry for not updating here recently but there wasn’t much to update. Eli has been BAH under the circumstances been doing ok. Aside from 3X a week making sure all his labs are ok and getting transfusions when necessary BH Eli hasn’t been inpatient. We did make our fare share of ER visits for various different reason over YT but for the most part all went easy and quick.
Chol Hamoed Eli got out a few times and did a little bit what other kids his age were doing like going to amusement parks and spending time with his cousins and family. Eli didn’t get to shul much as he feels more comfortable in a relaxed chair or in bed but he did make it for a few minutes on Simchas Torah both at night and day.
We spent a very long day on Friday in the hospital starting with a CT scan on Eli’s lungs to check on a lesion that was seen in the last CT and make sure it didn’t get worse. They ruled it out as anything cancer related but did diagnose it as fungal pneumonia. Eli has been on medication for that already since they were being extra careful to cover Eli for everything from the past hospitalization. They may also put Eli on home IV for that but they haven’t decides and obviously aren’t overly concerned about this development.
Next they drew labs to make sure all was ok which showed that Eli needed a blood transfusion and BH he got one right then. That was followed by a echocardiogram in preparation for next round of chemo which they will have to repeat prior to each round of the chemo Eli is currently taking. And lastly that was followed by a DR appt where BH Eli was cleared to begin chemo once again.
This all brings us current to today where Eli is currently in CHLA getting chemo. It’s a 3 day course done in the outpatient part of the hospital. Today will be a long round of chemo followed IYH on Thurs and Fri by a shorter round. Monday once again they will do stem cell transplant in hopes of helping Eli’s platelets grow on their own. Many transfusions are expected to be needed as a side effect of this chemo.
As always please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya and cholim in your tefilos.