Author Archives: gradonadmin


After not having the best nights sleep Eli woke up in a good mood and decided he will actually go to camp today which BH he did and enjoyed. He lasted a few hours there and then spent the afternoon relaxing and going for walks. Later in the evening after he realized how tired he was he went to sleep a lot earlier then he has been lately and fell asleep pretty quickly.

On Friday Eli will meet with the DR that does the radiation just to show us around and explain the process. Other then that we continue daily to help Eli gain weight and strength so that he can continue fighting and winning the fight against this machla.

Please as always continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim.


BH all went as planned today and we met Elis new DR who until we actually met him weren’t sure who he was but once we met we recognized him from him being the oncologist on call during many of Elis hospital stays. He is a very nice and straight forward guy and we are very happy to be one his patients. We discussed what to expect which we knew already that the next step in the treatment plan is radiation. BH Eli did gain a few pounds which was very welcome news.

Next we will be getting a call from the DR that does the radiation to set up a meeting to show us around and explain what and when to expect over the radiation period.

After the appointment we took Eli out to a few stores which he enjoyed and finally got home late in the afternoon for a backyard milchig picnic.

Beezrat hashem Elimelech Ben Basya will go to camp on Wednesday and reconnect with his friends and enjoy color war which is currently going on in camp. Please continue to daven that we should be zoche to see Eli and all cholim have a refua shelayma BKAROV.


Eli woke up a little earlier then usual today but his mood was better then its been and it stayed that way all day. For some odd reason he changed his mind and didn’t end up going to camp. Late in the morning his favorite “Uncle Jack” took him out for a early lunch and for a little drive. BH he feels strong enough to get out and is slowly but surelly getting back to himself.

Tomorrow we will meet the new DR and are hoping for a easy and smooth transition. They will draw Elis blood and beezrat hashem it will be at levels they are happy with. We should also learn whens the next scheduled treatment which is radiation and when that should begin.

We are hoping that things only stay and get more positive for Elimelech Ben Basya as the treatment plan continues with IYH no complications and may we be zoche to see all choley yisroel have a refua shelayma.


Bli ayin hora things seem to have picked up and Eli is feeling and looking stronger each day “halevay vayter”. He is eating a very decent amount and a nice variety. Eli got out of the house a few times today and left the stroller behind. IYH if he feels up to it he will go to camp on Monday for as long as he feels he can last there.

Other then what should be a short appointment on Tuesday with his new DR there is nothing else on the schedule this week and hopefully that will stay the same. The goal now is to just keep the pace and get Eli stronger and gaining as much weight as possible.

As always please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in your tefilos, kabalos etc.


Eli had BH one of the better shabosim he has had in a long time. He went to shul for all 3 tefilos and got himself around the house on his own a lot better then he has in a while. He is definitely gaining strength and eating a larger variety as each day passes. In shul this morning Eli saw Binyomin Chaim Ben Faigie Sarah and even though Benny is a lot younger they have a bond and they both shook each others hand and looked at each other with “hey I know what you are going thru” look. Then later in the afternoon Eli had another special visitor whose smile lit up our house it was Chaya Mushka Bas Hadassa Shaina who is a local 10 year old girl who is also fighting and IYH winning a similar machla. All these kids have one thing in common you never see them complain and they almost always have a smile on their faces.

Over the next few days we hope beezrat hashem to continue to see Eli gain more strength and his appetite grow. He has a long way to go until he is the weight he should be and with the strength that we can soon say god bye to the stroller and hello again to a bike. But as things have gone so far and will IYH continue Eli has proven he can and will get there sooner then we think.

Please continue as always to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya and the above mentioned special children bsoch shaar choley yisroel as we help them continue to fight and beat this machla. A GUT VOCH


Over the last few days there has been very good progress and beezrat hashem we will continue to only see good progress in the days ahead. Eli has widened the range of food that he is ok with eating and instead of us begging him to eat a few bites he asks for what he wants as often as he wants. Thru eating he has also gained some much needed strength. While all this is very good and very welcome news sadly Eli is still very weak and skinny even after these good gains. IYH as time goes on these small gains will continue but on a better and quicker rate.

This week Eli has an appointment with his new DR that has taken over his case as our original DR is taking a year off to do research. Hopefully things will continue as smoothly as possible with the transition and we will be able to keep on the protocol treatment schedule.

Thank you to the many people that inquired the last few days as to how Eli was doing since there was no update on this blog. I was out of town for those days and didn’t have a minute to update on Elimelech Ben Basya. Please continue to have him and all cholim in mind as we continue to help Eli be zoche to a refua shelayma bkarov. GUT SHABOS


No news is good news. And BH Eli continues to bli ayin hora make progress on a daily basis. He has been getting out quite a bit and is enjoying life with a little normalcy.

IYH we should continue to have only good news and progress for Elimelech Ben Basya as he continues on the road to a refua shelayma.


Last week Eli got a visit from his rebbi Rabbi Jacobs who is also the rebbi in camp for Elis grade. As soon as rebbi left the house Eli decided “I’m going to camp” we told him we don’t think that he’s up to it yet but as usual Eli insisted all weekend that he is going to go. He woke up this morning with the same mind set “I’m going to camp” left with no choice but at the same time very happy and very nervous I took Eli to camp. Rabbi Jacobs and Rabbi Tyner we extra helpful to make sure this can work and Eli really enjoyed himself for the few hours that he lasted and rebonded with some of his classmates. We won’t allow him to go on days where there is a trip that has a lot of walking and being outdoors as he isn’t quite strong enough for that yet.

IYH Eli will continue to gain strength and continue eating and gaining weight. He has proven us and the doctors many times wrong and beezrat hashem that will continue only for the good. On Tuesday Eli will have a day to rest and relax at home and maybe get out a little and enjoy being not In the hospital.

We look forward to another day of only good and gains for Elimelech Ben Basya and we daven that all should go as easy and smooth for him so that he can move on in only gezunt.


Bli ayin hora today saw a significant improvement in the eating and strength department. Eli ate and munched on different food all day. He felt very good about it and kept it going IYH this will only continue at a even faster pace.

Elimelech Ben Basya has a very long road ahead still until he is back at the weight and strength he should be but we hope to continue helping him take large steps to that goal. Please as always keep Eli and cholim in your tefilos kabalos etc and as we continue to help Eli get to the ultimate goal of a refua shelayma BKAROV


Eli took full advantage of Shabos at home with a lot of relaxing, resting and enjoying every minute of it. Eli continues to make progress daily but still has quite a ways to go until he is strong and eating what he’s expected to eat. He has been on IV as a precaution every night at home which is definitely also helping. We hope the new week only brings happiness, health, strength and weight for Eli.

There isn’t anything on the schedule other then regular labs which is generally done at home by his home health nurse and beezrat hashem the blood and platelet counts will continue to be strong.

We received extremely sad and especially hard news for us which was Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit Naava Tehilla a former teenage LA girl who had put up a very long and hard fight with the same diagnosis and Eli lost her hard fight BDE. Her family recently moved to EY and although we didn’t know her at all on a personal level we saw her many times locally and was always with a smile. We daven that she should be a Meilitz Yosher for her immediate family and for unfortunately ever growing large cancer family all of whom should be zoche to live long, strong and healthy lives and see EVERYONE who needs have a refua shelayma.

Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in mind in all your tefilos as we help him and them fight and win this terrible machla. A GUT VOCH