Author Archives: gradonadmin


Eli had overall a decent day not as good as we planned but not complaining either. His blood counts continue to rise and they are slowly reducing or completely stopping different IV medications he has been on for quite a while. The goal which Eli isn’t quite ready to do yet is to eat solids. Once he can eat solids and hold it down the doctors will get a better feel that things aare going the way they should.

Keep in mind today was “only” day 19 that Eli has been in the BMT unit and we originally planned and were told to expect to be there 30 days. So anything earlier then that is a brocha that we will very happily take. We will once again try to get Eli to try to eat something so that they can continue removing his hours he’s been on nutrition IV.

On a side note today was a bittersweet day for a few reasons. Eli has not been in school since being diagnosed in Dec about 7+ months ago. However today was the last full day of school for the rest of his class and they sent home all the stuff he had sitting in his desk. We hope beezrat hashem that when school resumes he will be a very active part of his class a class that between the Rebbi, Morah and all the kids have done a tremendous amount for Eli something we will be always grateful to them for.

Secondly today was our 11th anniversary and although we didn’t and weren’t able to spend it together we each did what we set off to do 11 years ago which is to have a family and raise them. So I got to spend most of the day with Eli in CHLA and Bassy spent the morning at Aris kindergarten graduation and then took him home and spent the evening with Sori and Ari together. Although these past few months haven’t been the easiest to put it mildly I can honestly say that there’s no way I would still be semi sane without all Bassy has done as she always has for the past 11 years. We have been through a lot together and have always thru her taken each thing and grown and with Eli that has been taken to the next level. Bassy I hope in the very near future to celebrate our anniversary and celebrate Elis coming home and full refua BKAROV. And most of all looking forward to about 87 more years of marriage.

Please as always continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya that all should continue to go and stay on the right path in hoppes of getting Eli home ASAP in the right time with IYH no complication.


Things continue to be moving pretty quickly in the right direction now BH and we hope that’s how it will always be. Bli Ayin Hora all of Elis blood counts have drastically gone up and the doctors are very pleased with the numbers and how Eli looks and feels. After not having any drinks aside from a drop of water to wash down the medications for almost 2 weeks Eli had a few cups of water today. The hope and goal is to try to get him to continue drinking and even trying real food as soon as he is up for it. The sooner he eats and beezrat hashem holds it down, and has steady good blood counts is the sooner Eli goes home.

There isn’t anything much on the schedule other then making sure and helping Eli stay comfortable and on pace with drinking and medication. He keeps himself busy with the many games he has and especially the new games he just got today and a few days ago from his uncle and from a good friend and with all the gift cards and ITunes cards he has. Keeping Eli happy and healthy is our full time goal now.

Elimelech Ben Basya has been in CHLA for about 18+ days now and we hope that things continue staying in the right direction so that Eli will be able to finally leave and get some fresh air that he hasn’t had this entire time. Please as always continue to daven on his behalf as well as all cholim.


What a difference a day can make Bli Ayin Hora. Eli woke up in a good mood and there was good reason for it he BH started getting his blood counts back. Elis mood only got better as the day went on. He finally had some strength wasn’t in much pain as he was able to talk and he had a lot to say. Even the doctors were pleasantly surprised with all he had to say and ask for and we did all we could to help him along. His platelets were again pretty low so he received a platelet transfusion again but BH that went smoothly and helped him feel and look better.

Eli spent the day with his bubby and then Bassy and late in the day asked to see Sori and Ari who he hasn’t physically seen in 2 weeks!!! Everyone was very happy when they finally arrived at 6PM for a short visit. And although Eli asked for food today when it arrived he realized he isn’t quite up to that yet but IYH in the next day or 2 hopefully that to will change. The hope now is that all should continue only going in the right direction and every morning when they draw his blood we hope to continue seeing a steady and quick rise in his blood counts. The sooner his blood counts go up and stay up and Eli being able to eat and hold down food is the sooner IYH Eli will be able to go home.

We hope to continue seeing Elimelech Ben Basya regain his blood counts, his strength, his cute persoanlity and most of all seeing him have a refua shelayma BKAROV. Days like today only happen with everyones tefilos and help and we need that to continue to help Elis get thru these tough times.


Today was just one of those days that hopefully Eli will forget. He didn’t sleep well as a result of having fever and the doctors checking on him pretty often. BH the fever was gone once the morning came but unfortunately the pain in his mouth and throat were very much there. It was very hard for him to talk so we tried not talking and letting him rest. The DR increased his dosage of morphine to help relieve the pain and as the day went on if definitely got a lot better but still has a way to go.

Elis blood counts as of this AM continue to be at zero and he will most probably require a blood and or a platelet transfusion on Sunday which hopefully will help jump start the recovery process. While all that is going on with Eli now is very much on par with what we have been warned and told about that will happen it doesn’t make it any easier as you can’t plan anything until your actually in the situation. We hope that Eli gets some rest and has a good and quiet nights sleep.

We hope that Elimelech Ben Basya starts the week off right and that it only goes from there in the right direction quickly and painlessly. Hoping to have a good report on Sunday and always from there on. A GUT VOCH


Hopefully things have began to move in the right direction. While Elis blood counts are still as of this AM at zero his mood, color and strength seems to be slightly better today. Late in the afternoon Eli spiked a fever which they automatically need to put him on strong IV medication in case CV its a infection but they seem more to feel that the fever is a result of his stem cells coming back to him and beezrat hashem that will be the case. The tylenol and medication brought down the fever pretty quickly BH.

This will be the 3rd shabos in a row that Eli is in CHLA. Unfortunately we have somewhat gotten used to it but with the help of Bikur Cholim, Chai Lifeline, family and friends it has made it a lot easier and comfortable. Hopefully all the brochos of Shabos will have their full effect on Elimelech Ben Basya and we will be zoche to see a refua shelayma bkarov for Eli and all cholim. A GUT SHABOS


Eli spent a lot of the day sleeping as he was very drowsy from all the meds he’s taking. They will try to keep him sleeping because when he is up he isn’t comfortable and is very agitated. His blood levels remain at zero and will most probably stay there for a few more days until they will IYH start to rebound. Because his platelet count was so low he needed a transfusion to help it try not to fall lower then it is.

Today we mark what we are hoping beezrat hashem to be the midway mark of this treatment. Eli has now been in the hospital just over 2 weeks and the about normal period from start to finish is about 30 days. We hope to see Elis blood counts begin to climb asap and see him getting a lot stronger and happier then he’s been the last few days.

We hope and daven that Elimelech Ben Basya is passed the hard days and that the next few days and weeks here in the hospital are only easy with no side effects or complications CV.


Beezrat hashem the night and tomorrow will be better then today was. Elis blood counts have hit the bottom and he is extremely weak and very nauseous. We don’t know if he is in any real pain because Eli never complains and isn’t saying if he has any pain but as a precaution they have him on pain medication thru his IV. The pain meds cause him to be very drowsy so he slept a good portion of the day. Today’s nurse tried spoiling last nights celebration by telling Eli that they made a mistake and the medication he was receiving for his infection had one more day. We told the staff clearly that we will not break the trust Eli has in us and declined taking it. Its hard enough being here for Eli we will do whatever it is to make it easier not harder.

Being that his counts are at zero they now will try to help his system rebuild and starting today already he needed a blood transfusion which BH he has a blood bank arranged by Bikur Cholim so that he’s getting “yidishe” blood. He will need a few more transfusions and probably platelets also in the next few days. Elis main nurse will be here on Thursday and she knows and understands better then most of the other nurses what and when Eli likes and needs. I’m not complaining about any of the other nurses all have been extremely nice and caring and seem to be on a much higher level then the nurses we had in other areas of the hospital.

IYH the side effects will disappear overnight or at least hopefully subside so that Elimelech Ben Basya has a much better Thursday and an easier next few weeks that he will be in CHLA.


What a difference a day can make. Even though Elis blood and platelet counts are almost at zero for some good reason he felt very good all day aside from a few short nausea spells. He slept a decent amount during the day as a result of the medication and his counts being so low. Other then that he was playing his games and shmoozing a decent amount. He also enjoyed his new blanket his morah went so out of her way to make for Eli full of pictures of “king Eli” and even hand delivered it. This evening Eli had a smile on his face that wouldn’t go away and for the saddest reason. He was on a liquid medication for a infection and needed to take medication 4 times a day for the last 10 days. The medicine tasted horrible and after the first few times Eli took it like the champ he is. But when he found out this eve that IYH he is done he had this smile that wouldn’t go away he was just so relieved.

On Wednesday they expect Elis counts to be at zero and will most probably stay there for a good few days. He will require a few blood and platelet transfusions to get his levels back to where they need to be. We hope this process goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible. Bli ayin hora things have so far have been better then we planned and hopefully will stay that way or even get easier.

The only reason that Elimelech Ben Basya has had a relatively easy time during this brutal period is because of the many people that have done so much for him. The tefilos, kabalos, visitors, presents, pictures, cards, food deliveries, phone calls, texts, emails all really keep him happy and busy. Thank you all so much.


Unfortunately today was the start of what we were warned about. Eli was nauseous for a good part of the day and was also in a lot of pain. His blood counts took a pretty sharp dive but still haven’t at all bottomed out. Basically what it seems is that he is expected to have a pretty rough 6-10 days ahead. While we knew this was very likely to happen your never quite ready until it actually happens.

What happens from here is his blood counts will continue to drop for a little bit longer and then he will most probably need a series of blood and platelet transfusion to help bring the counts back. Once that happens they will wait until he could on his own bring and hold the blood and platelet counts steady without chas vshalom dipping again or getting fever. BH the good news is that the pain medication has been working and Eli will continue to get them until he doesn’t need it. The more he sleeps the better off he is and the less IYH he will remember when they is all behind us. Today was the 12th day of what’s expected to be about 30 days and hopefully Eli will be lucky and have it as easy and as quick as possible.

The next few days and weeks we know will be very trying but beezrat hashem when its all over Elimelech Ben Basya will be stronger then he’s been in a while and on the road to a refua shelayma.


Eli had a very quiet uneventful relaxed day. His blood and platelet counts have began to drop finally but still have a way to go until they have bottomed out before they will IYH rise again. Aside from being pretty weak he felt fine ate a few things and was fed the rest thru his IV.

He had some family and friends come visit him and enjoyed some new toys and games he got. We hope even as his numbers do drop that his mood will somewhat still be upbeat. He has now been here for more then 10 days and is roughly about a third of the way thru this long process IYH. It is definitely starting to take a toll on him being that he is basically confined to a bed and isn’t allowed to leave his room for fear or germs etc.

We hope this process will be as quick and painless as possible for Elimelech Ben Basya and hope to see him get thru this and be zoche to a refua shelayma BKAROV.