Author Archives: gradonadmin


We got BH what we hoped for which was a nice enjoyable Shabos together. Eli ate a nice seuda Friday night after going to shul and fell asleep. Shabos morning we went back to shul and Eli really enjoyed the kidush. We spent the afternoon taking walks and enjoying the fresh air along with some friends and family.

IYH Sunday will look the same that Shabos did with just a lot of relaxing and getting fresh air before we need to head back for quite a few appointments and scans this week in CHLA. We hope to get results from Fridays bone marrow test along with the results from the other tests he is taking when we meet Elis Dr sometime this week.

We continue to daven and hope that Elimelech Ben Basyas scans, tests, biopsies etc will continue to bring only good results. A GUT VOCH


Elis day started early today as he needed to be in CHLA for a scheduled bone marrow biopsy. After sitting and waiting for it to begin they finally called Eli at about 11:15 and he was in the OR for about 15 minutes and BH all went well. After being in the recovery room for a few short minutes to wake up they sent us home at 12:15. Eli seems to be doing fine other then being tired. He was finally able and up to eating once he got home which he gladly did.

We hope Eli gets some rest, energy and some much needed weight over Shabos and next week as there is more testing to be done on Monday and Tuesday. We don’t yet have results from today biopsy and are not expecting them until about Tuesday and we hope and daven it will be only the best. As of now the following week 5/27 is when the stem cell transplant will begin.

Thank you to everyone for keeping Elimelech Ben Basya in their tefilos and we hope to continue to only have good reports. Also thank you very much to the many people who have done so much for us over the last few weeks and months arranging, doing, bringing, going etc we will never be able to properly thank you. GUT SHABOS


BH we had a beautiful relaxed YT together as a family. We spent time together played games, went to shul, took walks and a then a very long walk today to Pico to be with my parents for the seudah and the rest of the day. Bli ayin hora Eli hasn’t been this strong and in such high spirits in a very long time and it was really good to see that after all he is and has gone thru he still has his cuteness and sense of humor. The sad part is that we get another reality check on Friday early morning as Eli will be going to CHLA for a hopefully very minor surgery to check his bone marrow. We hope it will be as quick and painless as can be and that this test will follow the pattern of the last few with only good results.

We need to be in the hospital at 7:30AM and haven’t exactly been told when we should plan on being able to go home but IYH it should be before Shabos. Hopefully things will so smoothly so that we can once again have a relaxed shabos together and continue to help Eli regain his strength and spirits as we help him along this long road to IYH a refua shelayma. Next we will have some more tests and scans all needing to be done prior to the planned stem cell transplant scheduled IYH for the 27th which will require Eli to be in the hospital for about a month straight.

Please continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos, kabalos etc as we do whatever it takes to get to the ultimate goal of being IYH disease free and back to himself. These next few days and weeks will be very trying for him and he can use all the chizuk possible.


So far so good. Another day another test and more BH good results. We received the results from Elis Blood/kidney test he took on Monday and they were very good. Eli also has been lately starting to somewhat feel normal and has been getting out quite a bit and even had a friend over today for the first time in a while. We hope he will be up to getting to shul and walking as much as possible.

On Friday IYH Eli will be undergoing a bone marrow test which will require him to have general anesthesia for the hopefully easy and short procedure and he should be able to be home well before Shabos if all goes well. We look forward to enjoying a nice walk to Pico for the final seuda of Shavous to be with my parents.

We hope and daven that we have a relaxed, enjoyable, uneventful Shavous and hope that the next few days, weeks, months and years until 120 for Elimelech Ben Basya will be only with gezunt and strength and everything we all hope and daven for. GUT YOM TOV


Eli had a very long yet a very good day. It started early this morning with a scheduled appointment in CHLA at 8AM where they drew his blood 3 times over a 5 hour period. He also had scheduled a hearing test for later in the afternoon but BH I was able to get them to do the 3 minute test immediately after the blood tests. We don’t yet have the results of the blood tests but Eli BH did very well on the hearing test (which very often has a negative affect after 6 rounds of chemo).

After going home and eating a nice sized lunch Eli went to school for the first time in months where he was met by his class and his special morah who texts, calls and sends him updates daily and they had today a magician and a party and was really extra special how the morah and the class went out of their way and were extremely happy to see Eli. Elis bubby, zaidy, aunt and both myself and Bassy all went as well to join in the fun and it was really special and beautifully done. Thank you very much morah.

We hope Elimelech Ben Basya continues to get good results on all his tests and scans. IYH on Friday he is scheduled for a small procedure which he will need some anesthesia but will IYH be able to go home same day. There are also very important tests ahead next week all of which we hope to continue receiving positive good results.


We went as a family to relax alone and spend some nice quality time in Palm Springs and BH all went as planned and was a really nice weekend. The kids played many games, rode bikes and just spent time together as a family. Eli for the most part felt very good and was able to go down the water slide without getting his line wet and Sori and Ari were very happy to see him participate. It has been a few months since we had a somewhat normal Shabos as a whole family with Eli participating and that’s what we wanted and that’s what we got this Shabos and like we say “halevay vayter”.

On Monday we will be back in CHLA for additional testing and scans that will be taking place and there are going to be many of those over the next 2 weeks to make sure that all is IYH going well and that Eli is ready for stem cell transplant tentatively scheduled for the last week in May. We hope that all these tests most of which are easy to take that we will get the results that we daven so hard for. These tests are to make sure that chas vshalom nothing has spread beyond what they already knew and hopefully only shrunk or disappeared.

Elimelech Ben Basya still has a way to go in getting himself back to full strength and he will need every ounce of strength to get thru these tests and long stay in the hospital scheduled for him. We hope that we will only get good results out of these tests so we can see what we hope for which is a refua shelayma BKAROV


Eli had a very relaxed and quiet day and we look forward to having the same this Shabos and always. We went away for Shabos to relax and get a nice change of scenery before the next couple weeks of tests and long stay in the hospital.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya in your tefilos and have A GUT SHABOS and A Gut Chodesh.


We got the news this morning that we were hoping for which is BH a very good start that the CT scan that Eli had on Tuesday came back all clear. Between the good news of the scan and a truly uplifting day for myself I personally could not of asked for more. Eli feeling great, getting good news and myself in NY for my yeshiva (Peekskill) dinner where over 1100 alumnus and supporters of the yeshiva gathered for the yeshivas 50th anniversary honoring the Rosh Yeshiva and his Rebetzin Rabbi and Mrs Kanarek.

I say truly uplifting because I must of been told by literally hundreds of my friends of how they daily and some more then once a day say tehilim for Eli. The RY, the rebetzin are truly amazing people and have kept a personal shaychus with myself and family since I came to yeshiva in 9th grade and thru the years and made a special meaningful visit to LA a few months ago specially to come visit Eli and spend time and give myself and Bassy chizuk. There hasn’t been a day and usually more then once a day since Eli was diagnosed that we don’t receive a text from the RY and Rebetzin to ask and follow how Eli is doing. It was a honor to try to slightly repay all the favors they have done for myself, family, and friends for the last 20 years to be at this dinner in honor of them and the yeshiva.

We are very hopeful and continue to daven that the results today should be the same good results we receive always on every scan and test that Elimelech Ben Basya takes in the next few weeks and the next few years.


Today was planned to be a relaxed day and BH that’s exactly what we got. Eli did some walking and getting out and that was followed by some visits from Zaidy, Elis rebbi Rabbi Jacobs and a few friends and family all of whom were very pleased to see a big change in the way Eli looked from just a few days ago. We look forward to this and we hope the next step will be some weight gain.
With nothing else planned for this week other then IYH getting good results on Thursday from the CT scan that Eli had on Tuesday we hope Eli gets to relax and rebuild himself as much as possible and as strong as possible to be able to have strength for the rough planned weeks and month or 2 ahead. There are a few more scans of importance and a small procedure all of which don’t have a confirmed date but should take place in the month of May prior to starting the bone marrow transplant.

We thank everyone that has and continues to daven on Elimelech Ben Basyas behalf as that for sure is the true reason that we keep seeing Eli keep bouncing back. We look forward to the day that the treatments are over and seeing the full refua of Eli BKAROV


Although we had a pretty good day overall it was extremely long. It started at 8:30AM in CHLA for a scheduled CT scan which for whatever reason they didn’t have the contrast drink prepared and that took a extra hour. Then we got word that Elis blood counts were still very low and he need another blood transfusion so we didn’t waste time and for the 2 hour period that Eli needed to be drinking the horrible contrast drink we went to the infusion center to make sure they have his blood ready so that after his CT scan they can do it right away. Immediately after the CT scan which was already 12:15PM we went to the infusion center and they started the transfusion the problem was the nurse had no clue as to what she was doing. She had the speed that the blood should come out on extremely low and instead of the actual transfusion taking 2 hours it took 3 hours.

Eli was not very happy with all this and voiced very loudly and often his displeasure in the day. I had to bribe him with a new game which was the only thing that calmed him down which we got on his way home at 4PM. The results of the CT scan for some reason will not be given to us until Thursday as our DR isn’t there and the other DR claims to be booked up. For those that have tried contacting Eli on his cell phone for the last while sorry but it was broken and finally replaced again today and if you do text him please say who you are as he lost all his contact info.

BH we seem to be gaining ground with Elis appetite and strength and we hope and daven that beezrat hashem this will continue. This Thursday erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan is a day for tefila and anyone that can should make it to a tefilas Yom Kippur Koton bzchus Elimelech Ben Basya, Binyomin Chaim Ben Faigy Sarah, Chana Tova Bas Esther Shoshana Bsoch shaar choley yisroel.