Author Archives: gradonadmin


Bli ayin hora we need a lot more days of significant improvement like we had today. While there is still a lot of room for a lot more improvement Eli had pain but it was BH significantly less then the last few days and he finally ate a large amount of food. While the last few days and weeks have been a challenge to put it mildly we are counting on many more days of improvement with at least this much improvement.

On Tuesday morning the morning will be spent in CHLA drinking a very sour contrast so that Elis insides will be clearer on the CT scan. Hopefully this and the many scans ahead will all be with good results. We don’t have the full schedule and we probably won’t and will only receive it as time passes but over the next few weeks BH don’t have any planned hospitalization and beezrat hashem it will stay that way. We hope that this is the start of many many good and better days for Eli.

Please continue to keep Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos so that we can help him continue fighting and continue gaining as much strength as possible ahead of the further planned treatments.


There was not much change in the last day or so for Eli. He has a lot of pain in his throat, jaws and mouth and some sores on his tongue and to say the least he’s not very happy or comfortable. He has been taking medication to help subside the pain and it helps but only to a certain point. This is a result of this past round of chemo and although we were expecting it we thought that since it hadn’t happened yet it won’t happen. Unfortunately Eli wasn’t so lucky and he is having the side effects now. There wasn’t much we were able to do to relax him other then medication and ices and fresh air.
This week on Tuesday beezrat hashem they will start a long batch of testing so that we can hopefully have a good idea on how Eli is doing and if the chemo, surgery and everything we have done and he has gone thru is doing what it should. While the tumor was taken out during surgery we hope and daven that it hasn’t started to grow again. Aside from that they have to see how its affecting the cancer in his bones to see if it has gone away or started to disappear etc.

We look forward and daven non stop that Elimelech Ben Basya will not have any more pain. Also that the next few weeks with all the scans he will be having that all results should be as good if not better then what they hope for so that we can help Eli continue fighting this machla.


We didn’t get as much time to relax as we would of liked over shabos due to Eli not sleeping to well and having a lot of pain in his mouth (a side effect from the chemo he got a week ago). There were few things he was able to eat but was mostly eating a lot of freeze pops. One good thing was that he had more strength then he has had lately and that’s probably a result of the blood transfusion he got on Friday. It seems for now that Eli can’t have both an appetite and strength at the same time. We hope that trend will end as soon and as quick as possible.

Eli of course insisted on going to shul Shabos morning and although it takes him a while to get himself physically together in the morning we finally did get there and he even walked a decent amount. We are hoping Eli has a good nights sleep and wakes up with no pain and full of strength so that we can have a full week of working him back to full strength.

As always Elimelech Ben Basya can use our tefilos and they are a big part of what’s getting us and Eli thru these tough few weeks and months and we hope to have a much better and relaxed week. A GUT VOCH


We were in CHLA at 8:45AM for a scheduled blood transfusion which took a little bit longer then it should of but that’s fine. We were home at 2:30 and Eli immediately started what seemed to be like he was feeling a lot better. He asked for food and actually ate it and then asked for more food and ate that as well. He ate today more then he ate almost all week combined. Beezrat hashem that will continue as the scale today showed what we already knew from seeing Eli which is that he is the skinniest he has ever been.

We hope that the blood transfusion gives him the much needed boost in strength and appetite and hopefully this coming week will be a lot better then the last few. The good news is that BH he is drinking and not chas vshalom dehydrated and does not need IV.

Elimelech Ben Baysa needs all of the brochos that shabos comes with to help him get thru these difficult days. We hope his mouth sores go away asap and that his appetite and strength come back more then ever. GUT SHABOS


Elis day did not consist of much because he wasn’t up to doing much. He woke up later then usual and didn’t have much strength to leave bed other then to go outside for the few walks we took together. His home health nurse came at about noon to draw his blood and as expected his blood counts were pretty low so we will be going to CHLA as soon as Eli wakes up for a blood transfusion. Early in the afternoon Elis Rebbi Rabbi Jacobs came to try to lift Elis spirits and he definitely did BH.

There are some side effects which beezrat hashem will not get any worse that are now hitting Eli from this past round of chemo such as pain in his jaw and some sores in his mouth. We are keeping Eli on pain pills which he only allows us to give him once he’s really in pain and on nausea medication. We are hoping that the boost that hopefully the blood transfusion will give him will help him gain some much needed strength, weight and his appetite as well.

Please continue to daven on Elimelech Ben Basyas behalf that IYH all will go smoothly in the hospital on Friday morning and that the blood transfusion should do only what its meant to. Hopefully all will go easy and smooth and we should be in and out in about 5 hours.


No news is good news and that’s how the day mostly went. Eli is beezrat hashem still very slowly but somewhat noticeably gaining some strength. His weight department can use a nice boost but one thing at a time for now. Hopefully when he gains more strength his appetite will also come back.

Eli didn’t do much today other then relax and go for a few walks and eat and that’s how we hope the next few days goes until he is more back to himself. The home health nurse will be here on Thursday and although it is very common for Elis blood counts to be low after chemo we hope they won’t be so we can avoid needing a blood transfusion.

Hopefully the good days for Elimelech Ben Basya will continue coming and with only good news. Please continue to daven on Elis behalf. Tizku lmitzvos


Bli ayin hora Eli definitely showed some improvement today and we hope its the start of a new trend. He walked further then he’s walked in a while and didn’t lose his breath to quickly either. While he has a long way to go we are extremely happy with baby steps as long as they are headed in the right direction which today showed signs that way. He also felt better about himself and got out a little bit more and ate more to.

We hope we are getting closer and headed in the direction of a stronger, healthier and heavier Eli IYH over the next few days and weeks as we prepare for the next stage in the treatment. On Thursday the home health nurse will come to our home and draw Elis blood which will let us know how his blood counts are and if he will need a blood or platelet transfusion. Other then that hopefully beezrat hashem Eli has nothing else planned for about a week and we are not complaining.

Please as always continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim. I haven’t really been good about thanking individuals lately for their tefilos, kabalos and many other personal things people have done for Eli and our family’s behalf lately and we really appreciate it and it means the world to us. We look forward to besuros tovos only.


Although we have tried extremely hard today and we will continue non stop trying to help Eli gain some strength and weight we did not have any success yet. While he ate a decent amount at best he was unable to do any exercise as he was to weak and completely out of breath after a few small steps. We are not sure what this is coming from if its a result of the surgery, chemo or a combination of both. We are very top of every second and every step of each day and hope that this will be sooner then later something of the past.

As far as the DRs are concerned as long as his lungs are clear and he’s drinking which BH he is ok in both those departments they are not concerned. We don’t know his current exact weight but its by far the lowest he has been and hope that the foods he eats will stay and he will be gaining much needed weight. His stomach problems have definitely gotten better but we are not sure if that’s because of the harsh chemo he received or if it just got better over or hopefully as a result of our davening.

Elimelech Ben Basya needs our tefilos to help us help him get the strength and courage to continue his fight of this machla.


Today went pretty well as we begin and really try to push Eli to eat as much as possible and to exercise as much as possible and it went ok. He had a decent amount to eat a few times and got a lot of fresh air. However one of our main concerns is how thin he is and especially how weak he is. It is very hard for him to walk more then a few steps without him having to stop, sit down or catch his breath. We are hoping as time passes so will this and hopefully beezrat hashem sooner then later he will be doing the simple things he can not physically do now.

With not much scheduled this week at all we hope that we can start achieving our goals for him and pray that chas vshalom no side effects show up so we can assist him a little easier to continue getting on the path. The next planned appt is next week to start with a CT scan and over the few weeks after that another few scans so we can get a clear picture that hopefully the chemo and surgery have done what they were meant to do so we can continue with the scheduled treatments.

The next few days will hopefully get easier for Elimelech Ben Basya in regards to the problems he is having and hopefully he will wake up with a new found strength so that he will continue to have the strength to continue this fight and regain his happy spirit as well as some weight and full strength BKAROV


We hope beezrat hashem that the next month aside from some outpatient hospital visits will go as planned and that Eli will be home relaxing and gaining back some weight and strength. The last month has been extremely rough physically and emotionally on Eli and all of us. The smile Eli had on his face leaving the hospital on friday morning was priceless. He has endured a lot lately and has pushed himself to get thru all of it. The minute he leaves the hospital he is happy to do things he won’t do at all while in the hospital from eating normal amounts of food to exercise and even some basic communication comes back very quickly.

From when Eli got home Friday morning until he went to sleep late motzei shabos was filled with everything he wanted to do and we were happy to let it all happen. As usual he insisted on going to davening all 3 times over shabos just that he can feel back into somewhat of a normal routine. Motzei shabos as I have done every year we went to a lag baomer fire which he really enjoys and refused to miss. Over shabos he rested, relaxed and ate a very nice amount and it was very nice to be home back in his and our own beds.

Over the next few days and weeks we hope to help Elimelech Ben Basya continue on the road of a full recovery and help him regain his strength and weight more and more each day so that we can get to what we are going for which is refua shelayma BKAROV. A GUT VOCH