Author Archives: gradonadmin

12/20/12 early

A good friend of mine went into the gadol hador R’ Chaim Kanievsky and spoke to him about eli and 2 other local LA children who are also fought/fighting this machla and he said even though Rosh Chodesh is not for a few weeks as many people as possible should be mekabel on themselves Yom Kipur Koton for Chodesh Shvat to say the tefila and be mekabel TODAY that they also will fast on Erev Rosh Chodesh (when we say Yom kipur Koton) half day until chatzos.

Tizku Lmitzvos


Eli has definitely had better days but much better days are still ahead. He felt very nauseous and irritated most of the day as he has had enough of being in the hospital. On a positive note he did eat more then he has eaten the past few days and walked more as well. Today was his 3rd day of 5 days of a long set of chemo treatments that he will need.

Tommorow beezrat Hashem he will have another treatment as well as other treatments where he will have to sit still (hard for him or any Gradon to do) for a good while. We are hoping he will feel better and be in a better mood so that the doctors can do what they need to do.

On a separate note we are Begging of everyone and anyone that would like to “just stop by” to please not do so. Eli’s immune system is starting to weaken and therefore before you even think of coming please think to yourself: Are you sick? Is your spouse or anyone in your household sick or been sick in the last 10 days? If you can even think that maybe yes DO NOT come.

Furthermore sometimes it may not be the best time for you to come visit here in the hospital and IYH soon at home because the time works for you. Please call or text either of us to make sure that when you want to come works for us and Eli. Also in the hospital they do not allow any visitors past 9PM and only 2 visitors at a time and we need to respect that.


Elimelech Ben Basya or Eli or the king as we have been calling him lately started chemotherapy late last night (for those of you that don’t know chemo is given by IV and is not BH painful while being given) he did have some mild side effects (nausea) but with some medication that was mostly controlled. His second dose of chemo is underway and we are hoping that he has IYH ZERO side effects and that it only does what it’s supposed to do which is shrink the tumor.

On Wed we will be pushing him a little harder to take longer walks as he’s still in pain from the surgery he had and hopefully he will be up to sitting in a chair and playing some games.

Eli’s class and his rebbe went out of their way and every single kid in his class wrote thoughtful, beautiful refua shelayma notes to Eli it really lifted his spirits. The amount of support and gifts Eli got today was unbeleivable he is using and loving all of it and so are his brother and sister who joined Eli in his room for a family dinner and didn’t want to leave. We also want to thank anyone and everyone for the enormous amount of different zechusim, kabalos and tzedaka people have undertaken for a zechus for Elimelech Ben Basya


Boruch Hashem Eli is feeling a lot better and was in a pretty good mood most of the day. He got a DS player from a special organization which he immediately put to very good use. He also had a choshuveh visit in the evening from reb Malkiel Kotler who was in town for a few short hours.

We finally sat down all afternoon today with the main DR for 3 hours to get a good idea of what the plan of treatment is going to be. He is starting chemotherapy this evening and IYH will continue here at CH for 5 consecutive days. Eli is aware of his situation and has asked many questions which have been very hard to answer but we have told him all he needs to know for now and he knows that at the end he will be the strong, smart beautiful child he was before all this began.

We are davening and hoping Eli reacts well to the chemo and that there should not be any negative side effects and that he should have the strength to fight this machla.

We can’t thank everyone who has reached out each in their own way we can feel it and no words will ever be enough to thank everyone who is helping us win this fight


Boruch Hashem we had overall a productive good day today with Eli getting back some of his strength enough to sit up and eat some real solid foods and take walk. Thanks to the tzadikim that brought tons of food enough for us to share with all the nurses on our floor so we can get all the extra special perks Eli (who we now call the king) can get anything and everything he needs so he can have the refua he needs.

He got a special visit from his rebbe from Torah Emes Rabbi Jacobs who got to spend some alone time with Eli and give him some much needed chizuk. Monday will be a full day of meetings with his dr outlining and beezrat Hashem even starting his chemotherapy which we hope and davening doesn’t have any harmful or painful side effects.

Thank you so much to everyone who has come thru in many different ways in helping us out and helping us during this hard and painful period in making it a lot easier


Eli had a successful surgery on Friday to biopsy the tumor he has in his lower abdomen, and to insert a central line so that they can give him medication and IV without having to constantly prick him. He slowly started to wake up Friday night and was a little groggy but ok. We finally got him to start walking and eating a little late in the afternoon on Shabos. We had a very quiet Shabos with Eli which is what he needed. Thank you to the special visitors we got today who took the long walk.

Thank gd Eli is eating and recovering as planned and we are hoping that he will get strong to be up to the treatments they are planning for him this week possibly ad probably starting as soon as Monday.

We are davening that all goes as easy as possible with the least side effects as possible. Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya in your teffilos and chasadim as a zchus for a complete refua shelayma bkarov


Today Elimelch Ben Basya was scheduled for a 10:30AM procedure to do a biopsy and to insert a “line” we had to be here at 7:30AM and had a long wait until they actually took us in to the “preop”. Thank gd Eli is strong and in a very good mood making things a little easier on us. Unfortunately the surgeon is still in middle of his prior surgery so things are running a few hours behind schedule. Basically more time to be nervous and daven. We are hoping for the best results under the situation and davening that will be the case

Because of the extensive delays and the expected procedure time expected to be 2-3 hours we won’t be able to post the “postop” good news until motzei shabos.

Looking forward to a good chodesh a good week and only good news.

Bassy and Malkiel


Hello to all and thank you for all your well wishes and thoughts

Today was a very long but good and productive day. We spent the morning having what’s called a bone scan. Eli had to lay without moving for about an hour while they took bone pictures from head to toe. Thank Gd the results are looking to be negative. We finally met the main Dr who will be the primary Dr for Eli. She was very helpful, caring and knowledgeable she explained all we need to know for right now.

Tomorrow and the weekend will be hard and long but we will be fine IYH. We will be checking into to CHLA at 7:30 am for a biopsy which will require us to stay in the hospital for 2-4 days of recovery. Once they have the tissue from the biopsy read they will decide a treatment plan and may possible start right away which will require an additional 3-5 days of being in the hospital.

We want to thank anyone and everyone who has emailed/texted/called with their brachas and wishes and sorry if we didn’t respond and hope you understand.

Hope to have a small good update on how the biopsy goes right before shaboa

Malkiel and Bassy